Caritas Nigeria commenced the new year with an all-staff meeting, fostering synergy and setting the tone for activities ahead. In his brief opening remarks, our Executive Secretary/CEO, Rev. Fr. Uchechukwu Obodoechina Ph.D. noted that the gathering was an avenue for encountering one another, and encouraged staff to be committed and selfless in working towards the actualisation of the organization's mission. Adding his voice, our Deputy Executive Secretary, Fr. Peter Babangida Audu, called for an improved attitude to work.
While aiming to align the staff with our mission and enhance our collective humanitarian and development efforts in Nigeria, the meeting also addressed challenges faced in the previous year and discussed proactive strategies to address them. Key topics included strategic planning, organizational ethical policies, Programs and Units updates, and team-building initiatives.
The subsequent day after resumption saw our staff joining the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria and other Agencies of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria in the annual Staff Retreat under the theme Deus Caritas Est (Working Together to Manifest God's Love). To epitomise God's love, the retreat moderator, Msgr. John Aniagwu urged the retreatants to be guided by Christ's teachings on charity and love in serving the needy.

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