Under the donor-funded Comprehensive Humanitarian, Emergency Response, and Economic Recovery for Sustainability Flexible Funding (CHEERS FLEX) project, the Caritas Nigeria team trained 40 Community Mobilizers and 40 WASHCOMs in Kaigamari, Kasugula and Custom Communities in Bama LGA, Damara Community in Gwoza LGA of Borno State respectively.
Tsitsil and Gra Kopa communities in Madagali LGA, Gada Uku, and Tsukuma Communities in Michika LGA of Adamawa State.
The training, which spanned from 11th through 17th October 2023, equipped the participants with essential skills for mitigating disease transmission by conducting community hygiene education and ensuring proper waste disposal and maintenance of sanitation and water facilities in project locations.
With the support of Utenriksdepartementet (Norge) and Caritas Norge, Caritas Nigeria is building the capacities of Community Mobilizers and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Committees (WASHCOMs) to promote hygiene in target communities in Northeast Nigeria.

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