Since its establishment, Caritas Nigeria has been intentional about its workplace culture, starting every new year with a retreat.

Conceived to build momentum and foster the spiritual growth of Staff, the annual retreat, usually co-organized with other agencies of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), engenders a renewed optimism in workers while also evoking individual accountability to New Year’s resolutions. Joining this year’s retreat, renowned gospel artiste, Frank Edwards further enriched the retreatants’ experience with soul-lifting songs.

The spiritual exercise was preceded by a general meeting of Staff at the country office of Caritas Nigeria. In addition to highlighting the organization’s goals and strategic plans, the general meeting served as a networking platform for all Staff, who assembled from several project locations namely, Abia, Adamawa, Borno, Cross River, Delta, Edo, Enugu, Imo and Yobe States.

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