A cross section of the trained field election observers for the Ekiti gubernatorial election 2022

Caritas Nigeria, in collaboration with the Justice Development and Peace Initiative (JDPI) of Ekiti Diocese, successfully observed the June 18 Ekiti State Gubernatorial Election.

The exercise was preceded by the training of selected field election observers on the Caritas Nigeria Election Monitoring Application, which was designed to collate and analyze election observation data from the field. It was, therefore expedient to acquaint the observers with the requisite skills for the optimal use of the electronic system.

Joining the election monitoring team of the JDPI Ekiti in the situation room, the Caritas Nigeria team analyzed and documented reports from over 350 registered voters spread across the 16 LGAs. The situation room team also engaged the media through active participation in live radio and television programmes, which facilitated the transmission of live updates of the reported incidents in different parts of the state.



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