A Joint Monitoring and Supervision visit by the combined team of the Delta State AIDS & STI Control Program (SASCP), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), and Caritas Nigeria was carried out in the month of August 2021 to some facilities in Delta State to assess and strengthen interventions that the FASTER project is supporting, identify gaps and develop mitigation measures in the facilities.

FASTER is the acronym for Faith-based Action for Scaling up Testing and Treatment for Epidemic Response and is a CDC project implemented by CRS.

Facilities visited by the team included Federal Medical Centre (FMC) and St. Joseph Hospital both in Asaba on Monday, August 16; the ART Centre of Central Hospital Agbor on Tuesday, August 17; General Hospital Obiaruku and Assumption Catholic Hospital  Warri on August 19; and lastly Central Hospital Ughelli on Friday, August 20.

Tremendous support was received from Dr Omoyibo (Consultant Paediatrician, FMC Asaba), Alex Ogaga (Caritas Nigeria) and Mr Edwin Ukuegbogho of SACA (State Action Committee on AIDS). Others were Pharm. Tombari (CHAI), Dr Bibo Jack (CHAI), Mr Kevin Igweh (PMTCT Focal Person for SASCP) and the Management and Staff of all the facilities visited.

Information courtesy of Dr Dorcas Magbedolo and Adetoun Adeleke in Delta State

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