The  Delta State ART Surge Emergency Response Team  carried out a remediation visit to Oporoza Cottage Hospital on May 6, 2020 as part of initiative to supplement intensified case finding in the riverine areas and creeks off the Warri South, Warri South West and Burutu axis of the state.

The security challenges in these communities had hitherto precluded all forms of programming here. However, working now with program directives and guidance from CDC, the team identified and activated 3 CBOs to work in the riverine communities. To remediate the logistics of moving drugs and patients, the Cottage hospital was activated to serve as a hub for a chain of 4 cottage hospitals with a rotating system of doctors and other allied health professionals.

After giving a brief overview of NAIIS (Not National association of Ijaw Students as voiced by one of the participants), the need for CBOs and increased community presence was explained to the hospital team. The team was then taken through the 90-90-90 cascade as well as the practical realities of documenting services provided in the data capturing tools and care cards.

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