Notice: Undefined property via __get(): params in /home/zqejov4e3zhg/public_html/components/com_mtree/mtree.php on line 865 in /home/zqejov4e3zhg/public_html/libraries/vendor/joomla/registry/src/Registry.php on line 887

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Good Governance

Good Governance

Good Governance Projects are geared towards building a transparent and accountable society where citizens participate in decisions that affects their lives.



Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$link_image in /home/zqejov4e3zhg/public_html/components/com_mtree/templates/kinabalu/sub_listingSummary.tpl.php on line 170
Donor Agency
Funding OrganizationEuropean Union
Voices for Compliance and Legality

Project AcronymVOCAL
Donor Agency
Funding OrganizationUnited Nations Development Program
Lead IPCaritas Nigeria
Specific Partners InvolvedJDPC BTAN (Budget Transparency Accountability Network)...

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