... building a transparent and accountable society where citizens participate in decisions that affects their lives

The goal of the Good Governance thematic area is to promote a transparent and accountable society where citizens participate in decisions that affect their lives.

However, its interventions focuses on the following areas:

  • National Assembly Monitoring
  • Policy Advocacy (both at the National and Diocesan levels)
  • Civic Education (voters and citizens’ rights)
  • Peace building
  • Gender Mainstreaming

At the National Office, the unit works with important structures and components within the National Assembly including the: Catholic Caucus; Standing Committees (public hearings); Memoranda

The unit also works with structures and duty bearers in the Executive arm of government to advocate for citizens’ participation in all aspects of governance, including to collaborate with other civil society organizations.

At the State/Diocesan level, The Good Governance Unit of Caritas Nigeria partners with Dioceses and supports existing community structures (Development Associations) to demand for improved service delivery to the people at the local level. 

Deputy Senate President of Nigeria - Senator Ike Ekweremadu, Rev. Fr. Evaristus Bassey, Director - Church and Society/CEO Caritas Nigeria, Rev. Fr. Ralph Madu, Secretary General of CSN, Rev. Sr. Ann Falola National Secretary for Mission and Kelechi Emeh, CAFOD Programme Officer during the Catholic Secretariat Forum in Abuja on 13th February, 2014.

Good Governance SPOTLIGHT

Friday, 01 July 2022 17:22

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The Good Governance initiative predates Caritas Nigeria, and takes its origin from the onset of the 21st century, when the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) in their wisdom decided to...

Thursday, 23 July 2020 18:13

The goal of the Good Governance thematic area is to promote a transparent and accountable society where citizens participate in decisions that affect their lives.

Thursday, 23 July 2020 03:34

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