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... a harmonious society where everyone enjoys fullness of life

A fifteen year old unaccompanied 15 year old Camerounian child was successfully family-traced  and reunited with her family by Caritas Nigeria. 


Ndi Caroline Atuh is from Bamenda in Cameroon and was raised by a single parent who resides in Duala, Cameroon.

She eloped with her Lover on 24th March 2020 from Batibo and arrived Adagom refugee settlement in Cross River Nigeria on the 16th June 2020. Caroline was physically abused by her lover after a few days. She was referred to the hospital by the SGBV officer and counseled by the Child Protection Officer who profiled her for registration with the UNHCR Protection project. Other basic services and Material Support were facilitated by Caritas Nigeria to ease her suffering. She was placed in foster care and was assigned a caregiver who takes care of her. 

Caroline was interviewed by the Child Protection Officer who carried out an Assessment using the Best Interest Assessment tool and shared recommendations of the Assessment with the UNHCR and ICRC for Family tracing and reunification. CARITAS proceeded with its findings and established contacts with her family back in Cameroon where she currently is in touch with them and she is due for family reunification once the borders are open in the coming weeks. 

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