Our Vision

... a harmonious society where everyone enjoys fullness of life

On February 28th, 2024, the Project Coordination Team (PCT) gathered at the Caritas Nigeria country office in Abuja for an Operations Meeting aimed at aligning strategies across all programs and projects. The PCT, established by management, aims to cultivate a consistent organizational culture in program implementation despite utilizing diverse strategies, approaches, templates, systems, and structures across projects.

The Operations Meeting served as a forum for collective decision-making and discussions on operational strategies, promoting cohesion among units and departments to further our organizational mission. Alongside updates on ongoing programs and project milestones, various units presented: the Administrative Services Unit addressed logistical matters and internal processes, the Finance Unit offered financial planning strategies, and the Internal Audit Unit discussed internal controls and compliance measures to enhance transparency and accountability.

Furthermore, the Communications Unit educated PCT members on corporate communications and brand promotion strategies, emphasizing active engagement with Caritas Nigeria's social media platforms to bolster visibility. Reverend Father Peter Audu, our Deputy Executive Secretary, expressed gratitude for attendees' valuable contributions and reiterated management's commitment to overseeing operations and facilitating knowledge sharing across projects.

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