Maiden International Conference on Environmental Management and the Laudato Si

Maiden International Conference on Environmental Management and the Laudato Si


Fighting AIDS

Fighting AIDS

We are in solidarity with the afflicted, vulnerable, and handicapped in our midst

Lost Hope restored

Lost Hope restored

I was trafficked to Europe and came back with nothing, but Caritas Nigeria found me, trained and empowered me, and today I am doing well

Reversing Malnutrition

Reversing Malnutrition

We focus on lactating mothers and children under 5 years in rural communities to screen them for malnutrition and rehabilitate

Sustaining the fight against AIDS

Sustaining the fight against AIDS

We are at the forefront of reversing the global AIDS trend through partnership, innovative programming, and messaging

Democracy Watch!

Democracy Watch!

Entrenching Credible Elections and Good Governance in Nigeria

Your PVC is your Power

Your PVC is your Power

Caritas Nigeria sensitizes staff and sister agencies to participate in the forthcoming 2023 General elections

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Past Projects

Past Projects

This is a classification of all the past projects of Caritas Nigeria since inception. They are categorized according to the organization's Thematic Areas or portfolios

Health and HIV

Health and HIV (1/11)

Interventions that promotes wellness and integral human development of persons. 

Historically Health has been a key component of the Church’s mandate and is core in Caritas activities right from inception. 

Institutional Capacity Strengthening

Institutional Capacity Strengthening (0/3)

The ICS  portfolio is geared towards coordinating and ensuring that the network of church partners have the capacity to deliver high quality development interventions

Agriculture and Livelihoods

Agriculture and Livelihoods (0/2)

Agriculture and Livelihoods Equips individuals, families and communities with modern farming techniques to boost their food security as well as entrench household sustainability measures that enables them to successfully manage and grow their resources.

Anti Human Trafficking and Migration

Anti Human Trafficking and Migration (0/0)

Articulates interventions geared towards countering and mitigating the scourge from the menace of Trafficking in persons.

Good Governance

Good Governance (0/2)

Good Governance Projects are geared towards building a transparent and accountable society where citizens participate in decisions that affects their lives.


Emergency Response

Emergency Response (0/24)

Emergency and Humanitarian Response are Interventions  through which Caritas Nigeria brings relief and succor to those most in need especially those arising from conflicts, food insecurity and man-made or natural disasters.

Interventions in this thematic area can be classified into the following broad groups:

  • EA – Emergency Appeal led by CI to Member Organizations providing different types of support based on specific situation
  • Relief: interventions that provide essential supplies to communities affected by human-made crisis or natural disasters
  • Protection: Interventions that provide protection and shelter to refugees and fleeing populations from crisis situations
  • Nutrition: projects aimed at identifying and addressing malnutrition in target population
  • Livelihoods: Interventions that focus on improving the economic and income base of household and communities
  • WASH: Focused majorly on providing water, sanitation and hygiene components to communities in need
  • Food/Agric: Interventions that boost food security and agricultural capacity to target communities. FAO major donor
  • Health: Interventions that addressed the medical or health needs of affected populations.
  • Climate Change: interventions focused on preserving the environment


Health and HIV


Agriculture & Livelihoods


Good Governance


Humanitarian & Emergency


Anti-Human Trafficking










Development Spotlight

Monday, 09 May 2022 11:30

Monday, April 25th, to Friday, April 29th, 2022, was a huge development for Caritas Nigeria as 25 of her staff across Delta, Abia, and Enugu states  were trained  on additional clinical...

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